Ok, here is a still from the fairly new Ocean Spray commercial, where two workers are in the bog waxing whatever on the merits of eating cranberries and cranberry products. The older gentleman is assumed to be the smarter one, whereas the younger guy is the..comic relief, the cute in his slightly daft way one, shall we say. The older one says something, and the younger one responds with an "Eh." Now I know this sounds trivial, and it is, but tough; it's my blog, and I can get trivial if I want to. People from Massachusetts
do not say "Eh". People from Canada have been known to say "Eh"; people from Maine have been known to utter it at times, along with "Eyah" but
not people from Ma.! Furtehrmore, no matter how much Hollywood butchers the Massachusetts/Boston accent, we
do not sound anything like the damn Kennedys!! God only knows where their annoying accent came from, but it's not from around here! And I have yet to run across anyone in my almost 42 years in the state who sounds anything like LiveShot Kerry! Hell, I don't think even
he knows what is accent really sounds like! Listen to his hypocritical, self-serving anti-war speech from the early 70's , and then give a listen(if you can stand it!) to him now. Is he the same person? Can he "Get me a huntin' license here?" Funny how he sounded so not Brahmin during the election while out of the state amongst the 'real people', huh??
Hey, we all have those little stupid things that annoy the piss out of us, even though we know it's stupid to let them, so here was one of mine. And remember, Pahk the Cah in Hahvahd Yahd-now
that's more like it! Hollywood, everyone, you got that?
I am a HUGE Diane Lane fan, but her "New England" accent in The Perfect Storm was unbearbale.
I feel your pain.
hahahahahaha thanks for reminding me of that!!Yes, it was BAD!
ROFLMAO..your very accurate observation cracked me up! Canadians say "eh" but I'm pretty sure they don't grow cranberries.
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