by 5 more kids, in4 more stores, and
this is what I have had to endure all week long. Spoiled brat kids whining, yelling(LOUDLY!), and crying as if they had been whacked with a bat, all because they were denied a cookie, a Beanie Baby or some such other trivial thing that they don't really
need anyways. The difference between the pic and the reality of this week from retail hell is that the parent in the pic is wisely removing the brat from the store, thereby sparing everyone else the glory and wonder of Little Johnny or Susie's temper tantrum, whereas the dimwitted Mommmies that I have encountered have allowed their lil sweeties to carry on as if it were the norm!! Oh, sorry- a few have threatened the brats with the one thing that strikes fear into the hearts of kids everywhere, the dreaded
TIME OUT.Please, time out?? Kida fear that like they do DisneyWorld! One Mom actually told her 2 year old that he needed to pull himself together, and then proceeded to leave Screamin' Sam in the carriage while she sauntered a ways down the aisle to get something else!! Gee, thanks, hon, just what I needed, pierced eardrums, and never mind the fact that the kid could have tantrumed himself right out of the carriage, and seriously hurt himself!
I don't blame the kids for this behaviour so much as the parents, but that is neither here nor there for this writing. And, I do not expect kids to be perfect(mine sure weren't/aren't!). All I want to say is
PLEASE, PLEASE all Moms and Dads out there- please don't bring your bundles of joy shopping when they are overtired, starving or both?? And if you must, then please, try a little harder to be respectful of everyone else around you, and control them a little better??
The rule of thumb for today's parents is they can't hurt little Johnny's self esteem. Harumph, some kids are growing up with way too much self esteem if you ask me. Years later they will end up thinking you owe them a brand new car at age 16!
I think it's a very sad thing that parents can't give their kiddos a little whack on the bottom when they are misbehaving (in any store)without the fear of child abuse charges!
'I think it's a very sad thing that parents can't give their kiddos a little whack on the bottom when they are misbehaving (in any store)without the fear of child abuse charges! '
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