Do you have one of these at home??

I was taking the oldest to CVS, so that he could buy a grad card for his friend, and then I was dropping him off at the party. Just after getting into the car, he asks if I can write a check for his friend, you know, as a grad present. I say no, I don't have my checkbook with me( it stays at home), and that was that. Or so I thought. Then my own personal Jeremy asks if I can pay him back $20.- tomorrow, seeing as he wants to give his friend $20.- in the card. ????? The way I understand it, a person only pays back what they owe- I did not borrow $20.- from my soon to be 18 year old oldest, so why should I have to pay him back? And he was serious. The logic is lost on me, but not his intent. He just did not want to spend his own money. It was ok for me to be out twenty bucks, but not him!
So I say, No, you can use your own money, as he has a job and earns enough to save some weekly, and still have cash left over for fun and junk.I got a small ration of attitude for not complying with his demands, but he got over it fairly quickly, once he saw that I was not going to change my mind. See, I will continue to buy his clothing and food (and no, I do not charge rent), but anything above that is his responsibility. Am I being too tough? Cheap? No; contrary to what he may think, I am not. Kids have this misconception that ATM stands for something akin to Automatically (deposits) Tons (of) Money. I wish that for every 20 or 100 that I withdrew, that the same amount would magically be re-deposited, but unfortunately, it don't work that way!
So, I am assuming that he put his own money into the card, and I am hoping that he's having a great time. But mainly, I am hoping that someday soon, very soon, he( and my other two Jeremy's in training) will finally get it, and give me a break!

Heeheehee! That is too funny.
Are you being too tough? Hell no! Just take a look at my only child spoiled daughter and you see the result of being too easy with the money and responsibility.
Wish I had it to do over again but what's done is done.
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