Don't be afraid to look and remember, for by doing so, it will help prevent this from happening again!
Don't Forget!
This was no accident, no action due to anything we did. This was done because yes, there are people out there who would like to see us all dead, for whatever the warped, sick, maniacal reason. Wake the hell up, America!
We have allowed ourselves to slip back into that 9/10 fat, lazy complacent state- stop it!! The state that tells us that it's somehow wrong to view the footage of watching people helplessly choose between a burning death, or a death that may, may somehow be less merciful if they jump from the 52nd floor, and die before they hit the ground... too soon to think of the terror that must have gripped the parents of a 2 year old girl on Flight 175 as they held her tight, seeing that absolute fear in her innocent eyes, knowing that within mere seconds, they and she would be horribly, brutally killed, and that there was not a damn thing that they could do about it... too painful to relive that day because it may somehow be too much of an inconvenience in our lives to do so, and hey, who wants to ruin a perfectly good day by reliving that nightmare again(??!!)...that it's somehow disrespectful to the survivors and their families to see and remember such things??
I didn't lose a loved one on that day, and I wasn't there, but I know that by seeing and remembering what happened isn't showing disrespect, it is in fact honouring and respecting the memories and lives of those who died, their survivors and those who were part of the massive rescue effort. These things will help to keep us vigilant and alert to the people who want us dead.
Please, go here- http://www.september11news.com/AttackImages.htm?

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