Saturday, October 06, 2007

Go and See....

today's Enterprise, the front page and editorial page to be exact, to find out how Sgt. Christine May is potentially being screwed out of the position of chief of police by three selectman, most notably one Daniel Salvucci.
To make a long story short, Sgt. May has the highest civil service test score( a prerequisite for the job, I might add) and, IMHO, the experience to be chief, so damnit, Salvucci, vote her into the position! Stop playing these political insider games, and if you, Mr. Salvucci, do not think that you have what it takes to make this decision, then you sir, should step down, and let someone who can do the job right, do it!
I will sign any petition demanding recall legislation for Whitman, so that clods like Salvucci can be tossed out. I urge fellow Whitmanites to do the same.


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