Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Brockton Rememberances

I am a proud graduate of Cardinal Spellman High, Class of '82 and worked in Brockton at the East side Shaw's( both the old and new one) from '82-'87, and therefore had alot of friends who lived in Brockton. That being said, I did ALOT of hanging out in Brockton in my late teens and early twenties, and had a blast!

Though I worked in the East side, I tended to roam throughout the whole city, whether it was catching a movie at the Skyview Drive-In, watching the submarine races at D.W. at night,(!) shoe shopping at Fayva's ,or stocking up on albums and 45's(yes, 45's!) at Check It Out.
Cruising for the sake of just hanging with friends and blasting tunes seems kind of, a waste of time or silly now, but back in '82 and '83, it was the thing to do,and some of my best cruising was done with my pal M.R., listening to GrandMaster Flash and the Furious Five and the SugarHill Gang, getting Burger King late at night, or crashing for a while at Bickford's.

Then there were the parties that were held at my parents house when they were gone on vacation. I swear, almost all of the old east Brockton Shaw's , and their friends could be found at my house! No damage was done to the house, and as far as I can recall, no visits by the police were necessary. I did manage to totally tick off my oldest sister at my last party ever, when I left the house a DISASTER area for her to clean so that I could make a 3 a.m. drive to Storrs, Ct. to see Adam Ant.(I am really sorry, Kathy!) Myself and my friends got into so much trouble for that party!(sorry, Mom and Dad) I believe that that was when I had to start paying board,and though I wasn't crazy about that idea, belive me, I knew that I deserved it.Looking back, what a little sh*** I was for having those parties, and putting my sis in a spot like I did. ( and if you guys are reading this, oh children of mine, don't get any ideas! Being the professional party giver that I was, I am wise to more than you think!)

Going to Spellman was a great experience. I am not Catholic, but it never really mattered, and I never felt any pressure. I received a top notch education, and really have nothing but good, good memories of my time there.And funny thing, I work with two classmates now; we talk more now than we ever did in school! It's cool- what a trip! And Mom and Dad? Don't ever feel that your hard earned money may have been wasted because I am only now earning my associate's ,and starting to bloom, and find my 'path', if you will. Sometimes it just takes longer for some than for others, but that should never lessen the experience itself, nor the end result. And what is that end result? I don't know yet, but there are some pretty cool things happening on the way, don't you think? Besides, I know my parents are proud of me; I have a wonderful family, a good job, a 4.0 GPA, ( I am so proud of that!) and more importantly, for the most part, I feel that I am a good person, and happy.

Lastly, good times were had by me as a wee one in Brockton shopping with my Mom at Mammoth Mart, ( remember THAT one?) Zayre's or Bradlees. I still have a small collection of Peanuts books that she bought for me , with the Bradlees sticker still on them. I treat them like gold. I don't get to Brockton much anymore, because I really have no need to, but man, I really had some good times there, times I 'm sure that I won't easily forget, nor do I want to.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I got my first bra at Bradlees. Probably one the most tramatic and embarrassing experiences a young lady can go through.
I work in downtown Brockton. It's quite an experience. There's the man I see in the morning who lives under a bat bus stop. I almost ran over a woman pushing her shopping cart full of cans in the middle of the street. And just the other day I saw a 6 foot tall black man dressed like a leprechaun while I was walking across the street to Dunkies.

12:46 PM  
Blogger Christine said...

Yeah, Brockton is ...colourful, huh? It didn't seem quite as bad back them, or maybe I jsut wasn't paying too much attention?

12:56 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How about Edgars, Ithink downtown, with caf in the store?

4:49 PM  
Blogger Christine said...,now that's an oldie but goodie!And the Maui on the South Side?

5:21 PM  

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