Thank You, John F Kerry!!! and God Bless these troops!!!

And I swear, I am so so tired of hearing him spew about how that if one has not served in the military, then they therefore have no opinion on it, nor are qualified to voice said opinion. Oh, really, Mr. John Fucking Kerry?? Then hey, that means that you and Fat Boy Teddy should keep your traps shut about what is good for the middle class, and of how you can sympathize with middle America, and the every man, the average Joe on the street who is trying to work 1, 2 EVEN 3 jobs just to keep their heads above water, that you feel our pain, because if I am unqualified to comment on your 'service' in 'Nam, then you, Sir, are most unqualified to even think about opining on what is best for me, my family and my friends!! So go stick that on your flipping Scaramoush(sp) and sail it into the sunset, you pompous, vacuous ASS!!
Look in the dictionary under inane, and look for Kerry's name in small print in there; go ahead, it's there, trust me.
in‧ane /ɪˈneɪn/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[i-neyn] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation John F. Kerry
lacking sense, significance, or ideas; silly: inane questions. John F. Kerry
empty; void. John F Kerry
something that is empty or void, esp. the void of infinite space. John F Kerry

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