No inflatable snowmen....

because although I love the Santa Claus and Rudolph and Frosty side of Christmas, isn't Christmas Christmas because of what the picture portrays?
Let's put Christ back in Christmas, okay, if definitely not splashed all over the place in an obscene overkill sort of way, then at least in our hearts?( regarding Christians, of course) And if we as a nation that has by now simmered down into an eclectic and welcome mix in the pot can respectfully observe other's religions without reservation, then can we not do the same for Christianity?
Oh, and to all of the retailers out there that refuse to add a Merry Christmas sign to your Seasons Greetings and Happy Holidays ones, to those retailers who forbid their help from saying Merry would have absolutely no appreciable spike in November and December sales, no reason to jam your stores with hordes of frenzied shoppers if weren't for..yep, you guessed it, Christmas. So suck it up, stop being a bunch of P.C. hypocrites, and throw out a Merry Christmas once in a while, okay? Because I guarantee that the number of those who would be offended would be far, far less than the number of those who would enjoy hearing it.
Merry Christmas!!

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