Oh. My. Gawd.
Yes, it's true.. your eyes are not playing tricks on you...
that is a WHITE shirt that I am wearing. Not black. Not navy. Not dark any color but stark raving mad WHITE....Yes, I have taken another step out of my comfort zone,and it feels sooooo good!!
What comfort zone, you may be asking? My 'all black clothes, all the time' comfort zone. My 'I'm too tired to walk, too busy to exercise' comfort zone. My 'it's bad to speak your mind, and stick up for yourself' comfort zone. Little by little, I get nudged out of my zone of comfort by others( in a most good way), and I take myself the rest of the way, and trite as this may sound(but I don't really care if it does anyhoo) it truly is empowering, liberating and happiness producing. I have never felt healthier, prettier, sexier, stronger or smarter in my life....and the trigger for all of this growth and wicked good stuff that is happening to myself is ...... losing 45 pounds. While of course, aesthetically it has made a difference, and I'd be lying if I said that how I look to others doesn't factor into anything at all or matter, mentally it has done wonders. I just feel so damn GOOD!! And I have a feeling that some of that good..aura, for lack of a better word, radiates to others. At least I hope that it does. Everyone should feel this way alot.
I know that I am not invincible, and there are to be more than my share of bumps and obstacles in the road up ahead, but truly, right at this moment, I feel as if I can do anything ... so therefore, why not go for it then, huh? Why not prove to myself that I can do anything that I set my mind to, or at the least, put forth one hell of an effort? And if I don't succeed? Well, I may not get what I want, but.... I will have no regrets nor remorse hanging over my naturally still kinda blonde head.

that is a WHITE shirt that I am wearing. Not black. Not navy. Not dark any color but stark raving mad WHITE....Yes, I have taken another step out of my comfort zone,and it feels sooooo good!!
What comfort zone, you may be asking? My 'all black clothes, all the time' comfort zone. My 'I'm too tired to walk, too busy to exercise' comfort zone. My 'it's bad to speak your mind, and stick up for yourself' comfort zone. Little by little, I get nudged out of my zone of comfort by others( in a most good way), and I take myself the rest of the way, and trite as this may sound(but I don't really care if it does anyhoo) it truly is empowering, liberating and happiness producing. I have never felt healthier, prettier, sexier, stronger or smarter in my life....and the trigger for all of this growth and wicked good stuff that is happening to myself is ...... losing 45 pounds. While of course, aesthetically it has made a difference, and I'd be lying if I said that how I look to others doesn't factor into anything at all or matter, mentally it has done wonders. I just feel so damn GOOD!! And I have a feeling that some of that good..aura, for lack of a better word, radiates to others. At least I hope that it does. Everyone should feel this way alot.
I know that I am not invincible, and there are to be more than my share of bumps and obstacles in the road up ahead, but truly, right at this moment, I feel as if I can do anything ... so therefore, why not go for it then, huh? Why not prove to myself that I can do anything that I set my mind to, or at the least, put forth one hell of an effort? And if I don't succeed? Well, I may not get what I want, but.... I will have no regrets nor remorse hanging over my naturally still kinda blonde head.

You should wear lighter colours more. Suits you. I love the fact that you are happy. I acytually love the fact that people generally are happy. But you really deserve happiness. You really do.
Thank you! I was kinda nervous getting the white, and it did feel funny, as I wasn't hiding behind the usual black anymore..but to coin a phrase I detest..'it's all good'.
Lol I so hate that too!Hey ummmmmm try some bright colours next? Like a really bright red or pink? hehehehehehehe
Pink??? Highly doubtful- I don't do pink. BUT...I do do red now, too. =)
I think you would look beautiful in pink!
And by the way I was wondering if your kids and your sister read your blog how come they never comment on anything. Do your kids have blogs too?
this sister comments from time to time! my sister rocks! i would not have the appreciation of the musical talents of Blondie, The Clash or the Talking Heads were it not for her :)
Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. Thats so nice that you like your sister that much!
My way cool baby sister Lisa is too kind...and she way rocks, as well!!
Hey Lisa Chrissie wont tell me who the guy on Sunday 7 January is. Will you?
He's William Tecumseh Sherman, a Union general in the Civil War. He was the one who is famous for the quote, " War is Hell", and was the architect of the famous March to the Sea where he basically reeked(sp) havoc on the south, which was key to hastening the end of the war. He was/is hated by alot, and I can appreciate the other point of view..but I hold nothing but the utmost of admiration and respect for the man, both on the battlefield and off. To learn a ton more about him, I suggest reading 'Sherman: A Soldier's Passion for Order' by Marszalek. EXCELLENT book! Oh, he is among the five that I would invite to dinner, if I could pick anyone.
Um...yeah, I had no idea who the hell he was!
Hey ummmmmmm Chrissie I hope your not upset that Lisa and I ahve become friends now? hehehehehehehe
2 words Chris...ROAD TRIP! I've always wanted to visit the land down under.
Oh Lisa! Sounds like heaven! I hope you are just lkike Chrissie!My life would be fulfilled!!!
I have been angling for a ticket to Oz for years now. I would LOVE to see Australia!But at 2500.00 per ticket, it don't come cheap!
Yes but it would be worth every cent!
with all that cigarette money you are saving you could go to Australia! We'll start saving now, maybe by 2010 we can go. We took you to the Sox for your 40th, we'll go to Australia for mine! LOL
Yoou tell her lisa!!!!
I would love to go somewhere on vacation with my sister. We would have a BLAST!
Lisa stop it! You are making me think you really are coming here and I am so excited and thrilled about it even though I sorta really now you arent.The thing is I know you and her think you would have ablast but add me to the equation and we would just have the best time. I once wrote a peice someone on when the lympics was here called "WE HAd the Best Time". It would be better than that even. Please please can ewes come?
if Chris really wanted to go, I'd find a way to make it happen for her. Whatever makes her happy I'm for it. I'm more apt to go to Vegas.
Awwwwwwwww. Why cant I have a little sister like you?
what on earth have I done to derserve the praise? lol I love it, but a model sis, I am not( unfortunately)...
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