~ I LOVE the movie Grease( the original, not that gay-ass Grease II-ick!!) especially the number 'Greased Lightning'. Yeah, they were all in their thirties when they made it, which made them all light years away from high schoolers, but who cares?? It's a terrific movie, with a bitchin' soundtrack to boot. No apologies here!
~ I still cross my fingers, you know, for good luck, or to help hasten the process of something postitive happening some of you do, too. ;)
~ When my kids were just wee ones, I got into the habit of leaving the light that sits on the other side of the bed on, so that if they needed me in the middle of the night, their way would be well lit. I, to this day, still need that light on- I swear, I don't sleep nearly as deeply if the light is off! The kids...HA!!! they are well passed the age of needing a well lit path to Mom in the dark hours.
~ why I lower my IQ to pay attention to this drivel, IDK....but I am finding myself feeling sorry for Kate, you know, Kate of the John and Kate plus Eight Kate fame? I mean, I know marriages/relationships fall apart, and I know that she must be one difficult person to cohabitate with, but sheesh! it's to bad that John never learned the meaning of decorum, and tact.....I mean, come on, no matter how.... awful she was/is, whatever, those kids are THEIR kids, and why the hell isn't he there more sharing in the parental duties??? And we're not talking one or two kids, we're looking at eight count 'em eight to raise, discipline, love, nurture, teach.....( I will leave out the clothe and feed bit because I am sure that the family is not hurting cash wise, for now at least). Hey, if he wants to get a bachelor pad and play hide the winkie with every co-ed that comes his way, hey, more power to him, but be discreet, will ya, John??? What kind of example is he providing to his children, especially the males of the equation?? SHEESH!!!
~ I carry a pocket sized booklet version of the Constitution with me in my bag.Does that make me a geek? If so, then... GOOD
~ I am politically incorrect alot of the time, though I never set out to hurt anyone, and reign in my acerbic tongue to avoid doing just that.
~ I do swear at inanimate objects under my breath... What's that? You've never heard of Yoplait Fucking Yogurt before??? It's located right next to the regular Yoplait yogurt; it just engages in lewd and lascivious behavior when it won't stack properly for me, and falls all over the place.
~ which leads me to the following... yes, I let stupid , inconsequential things annoy me. I'm not proud of that fact but whatever.
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