Monday, September 21, 2009

Oral Satisfaction...

can be found in a bottle of Wachusett Blueberry Ale. One right after work just hits the spot. May or may not have another later; I'll cross that bridge when I get to it.
~ can 'The One' fall from the sky? Or can she/he be right in front of you the whole time without you even knowing it? Do you believe either of these statements? Do I ? Yeah, I guess I do; I'll let you know when/if it happens.
~ so I was told today that after I lose another 41 pounds(yes, I am down 41!!) that I'll be 'hot' and feel soooooooooooooo much better. I THINK it was meant as a compliment, but I was thinking "Ummmm....thanks? So, am I that horrendous now? And why do I have to wait to feel better; I already do!"I guess it was one of those scenarios where the person MEANT well, but it came out so wrong. I'm not letting it deter me- it just took me aback a bit. Honestly, I feel fabdabulous, and like I say: if you don't like the way I look, if it isn't pleasing to you, then look somewhere else. Break my heart. NOT.
~today is my W1D1 of the Couch to 5K Running Plan(go here to check it out). Did I like it? Nope. I LOVED IT! I just have to find a comfortable jogging pace; I am trying to run/jog too fast, which I guess is a common mistake with neophyte runners, but I think I found a very doable pace towards the end of today's workout.
~to expound on the aforementioned, I am getting into taking better care of myself. My stamina had increased so much since I have lost weight and started working out regularly; all/most of my clothes are now wayyyy too big or getting there, the 'small' of my back is...smaller(!) , more defined, and it really is cool to see everything 'lift' back to where nature intended as one loses weight and firms up. And that dreaded demon of women everywhere, the 'Muffin Top' ? I am so kicking his sorry ass out my door!


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