Saturday, August 08, 2009

Tids and Bits

~ if a baby leopard can change it's spots( aren't they born spotless?), then can that translate over to a human type being able to change, or are they destined to remain the same, as that baby leopard is not spotless at all; the spots are just lying right under the surface?
~ how fucking stupid is Ted Kennedy to have named his dog ' Splash'???(actually, that was the ultimate rhetorical question)
~ aren't you comforted in the knowledge that Michelle Obama shops at Talbot's, just like us real people? I know that I'll sleep better tonight....
~ what is the relevance in the fact that Billy Mays may have done coke? There is none; he is, unfortunately for his loved ones, still dead, and this 'news' won't bring him back to life, so what can this fact possibly matter???!!
~ I love Charles Krauthammer; I do not agree with alot of what makes up his ideology, but but he is entertaining, in a wicked brain bending sorta way.
~ ESPN magazine is far superior to SI.
~ Fuck you, Nancy Pelosi....... an informed, educated, justifiably aggravated U.S. citizen does not a brown shirt Nazi make, you moronic, insipid insignificant bitch!


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