Why Does it Seem like Fat Matt is Always...

For more, try archiving Howie Carr's articles on Fat Matt and the mess that is the Big Swig. Listen to what Christy Mihos has to say; believe me, what you hear will shock you(or will it? Didn't we all really have it in the back of our heads that something like this would God Forbid happen??). Try listening to WRKO or 96.9 FM for opinions different from those that you'll find in the Globe, or through 30 second sound bites on the local news, because it's the talk radio format that gets both sides out( yes, both sides! Despite talk radio's right leanings, you will find a balance sorely missing in the lamestream media), and gives the listener invaluable insight, as well as an opportunity to voice their opinions.
Fat Matt has to go!! I mean, Mon Deux, he continued to assert the fact that he thinks the tunnels are safe during his press conference yesterday!! HUH????? Oh, okay, I guess he ascertains their safety due to the fact that the entire I-90 tunel didn't come crashing down, just the 200 ft. section that did. Try explaining that to the grieving husband, face to face, Fat Matt. And did you catch Matt trying desperately to explain what the tie backs are, and how they work, and why they malfunctioned?? It was embarrassing, to say the least; here's the head of the Pike Authority, a supposed expert at what he does, and he can't even coherently explain what a flippin' tie back is!!
The best footage from yesterday was where the cameras caught Romney vigorously chewing out Fat Matt while walking along the accident sight; it was beautiful!!! I just pray that Romney finally finds the balls needed to get rid of this abomination known as Amorello, and those who are in cahoots with him. And to those that claim that Romney's precense yesterday was just politcal grandstanding? Please. Yes, he's going to run for Prez, and no, I am not happy with his performance as of late, but I do believe that he is a decent, true human being that was doing what was expected of him by being there yesterday, and that he truly gives a damn about finally cleaning house and making our commutes the safest they can be. Besides, for all of the Romney/Republican haters out there, they would have bitched if he had stayed away, and bitched when he didn't.
God, it's just so damn sad that it took a human life to get to this point.

another great article- http://business.bostonherald.com/businessNews/view.bg?articleid=147942
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