I bought this album in cassette form wayyyyyyyyyyyy back in, was it '84? Yeah, that sounds right, 1984. I was with Maura R. that day, and we went to Check It Out records in Brockton, and that was when I bought this, for only one song- I don't think that I ever listened to the whole tape all the way through, just this one song over and over.
It's an edgy, post punk song and it seemd to epitomise for me how I was feeling at that time; disinterested, unaffected, like the whole world awoke and slumbered wondering about what I was doing, and how my actions and words would affect it. I mean, there were times when I allowed myself to become consumed with so much prefabricated, meritless angst that I thought that I was just the coolest thing to ever walk the mean streets of the South Shore. Yeah. Right.
Anyways, I have had a mental image of this album cover permanently stuck in my brain for the past 22 years, remembered the name of the band, but do you think that I could remember the name of the damn song?? That song that merited my shelling out $6.99 for a cassette that would be if not for that song, useless and a waste of money? No!! How frustrating, to hear bits and pieces of that tune reverberating from ear to ear, and not even be able to catch the chorus, you know, the part that has the name of the song in it??
I was listening to Mix 98's Friday night 80's show, and heard Yaz's Don't Go, and I thought, "Duh, Chris why not just Google the lyrics that you do remember, and finally, finally lay this mystery to rest?" So I did. The name of the song is Effigy, and if you go to Amazon.com and look up the album, you'll be able to hear about 30 seconds of the song, as I just did.
Man, do I feel so much better.

Anyways, I have had a mental image of this album cover permanently stuck in my brain for the past 22 years, remembered the name of the band, but do you think that I could remember the name of the damn song?? That song that merited my shelling out $6.99 for a cassette that would be if not for that song, useless and a waste of money? No!! How frustrating, to hear bits and pieces of that tune reverberating from ear to ear, and not even be able to catch the chorus, you know, the part that has the name of the song in it??
I was listening to Mix 98's Friday night 80's show, and heard Yaz's Don't Go, and I thought, "Duh, Chris why not just Google the lyrics that you do remember, and finally, finally lay this mystery to rest?" So I did. The name of the song is Effigy, and if you go to Amazon.com and look up the album, you'll be able to hear about 30 seconds of the song, as I just did.
Man, do I feel so much better.

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