Wednesday, September 13, 2006

The writing of the poem below,'Visions' was a bit of a breakthrough for me, as it was not written with myself in mind. It is not a mini chronicle of my life, nor of my feelings; instead, the inspiration for it came from three different sources. The first is a person for whom true love has been found, but the ways needed to keep it close and physically strong have yet to be fully realised. The second is a Robert Frost poem, The Road not Taken, who's select lines have been playing in a radio commercial as of late, and therefore have stuck in my mind. And the third is a hat that I saw in a picture; yeah, a simple, brownish floppy hat. Go figure, huh?
Though I had written a poem a few years back for a friend regarding the death of a loved one, my poems tend to be a diary , if you will, about my life, hence why I called Visions a breakthrough.
Ah, the strength of the observant ocular mixed with an over active imagination!


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