Sunday, September 09, 2007


~Hi, Peggy! I will call you later this evening-I am on Robert's laptop, and can't play here too long.
~ No, my puter is not fixed, and is almost certainly way dead. Hope to have another by November!
~ My 25th class reunion is the 22nd, and I am so psyched for it! I have a bitchin short grey knit dress to wear( should show it as the new little black dress) black tights and a totally cool pair of three inch heeled black MaryJane's to finish off the ensemble...all to help show off, if you will, my body sans 90 pounds!! Yes, Virginia, I have lost 90 pounds! Hallefreakinluheh!!
~ Wachusett Blueberry Ale is fantastic, not too blueberry-ee at all, and a nice change from BudLight. Sam Adams Cherry Wheat Ale is also great, but I would not try the SmuttyNose Pumpkin Ale, unless you prefer a stronger ale. Was too heavy and bitter for me. Does all of this fruit based ale count as my fruit servings for the day, hmmm, ya think? No??? Damnit.
~ Fall is coming!! The leaves are just starting to turn, and we've had a few cool days here and there-YAY!!!!! No more humidity! No more 80+ days!! No more a/c in the house and car! Oh, happy days are here again!
~ Oh, and no, I am not feeling the least bit melancholy about the fact that I graduated from high school 25 years ago; I mean, should I be? Should I be walking round all sullen and boo-hoo-ee because I (gasp!!) growing older?? I definitely think not! Life and aging and what-not is what you make of it, so why not try to make the best of and celebrate the here and now, take the best care of yourself that you can and LIVE, for Crissakes? Sheesh!


Blogger Peggy said...

Damn, I wish it wasn't 10:40pm where you are right now or I'd call you right this minute!

90 f'n pounds you say?? I am impressed and delighted for you.

Ale passing as a fruit serving?? lol
Whatever, After that big of a loss you have to let your hair down now and then. Please send me a picture of you in your new grey dress!

10:41 PM  
Blogger Christine said...

I will have to send the pics via snail mail once I have them done. The reunion is next Saturday night-YAY!
And thanks, (((((Peggy))))!! You help to keep me going, trust me!

6:31 PM  

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