at least for 8 months or so. Now that the hair has relaxed and the 'poodle' affect is gone, I am pleased. Why'd I do it? Well, seems that peri-menopause it playing games with my hair. It's still uber-thick and dry, but my natural wave seems to have gone on hiatus, and I need to wash it almost daily now, as opposed to my twice weekly past routine. So curls just makes it all soooooooooo much easier to deal with! Long live low maintanence hair!
Ahhhhhhhh perhaps that explains it then, doesnt it . . . .
Explains what?
Your naughtiness
How have I been naughty?
well you never give me any attention any more for a start and you know how add i am. . . but i rather suspect you know about all your other naughtiness . . . .
i love that pic (by the way)
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