Thursday, June 25, 2009

When will the well run dry?

I dunno- it comes and goes as it pleases, so I catch it and ride while it's here.Random things inspire me, and I run with them. It may take me awhile to come up with something.....profound(?)or deep, if you will, but for as much as this is my place to let it all hang out, I am still a bit ocd when it comes to what I myself crank out; the perfectionist in me comes to the fore, and that's a blessing and a curse in that I want what I write to be good, for me, but on the other hand, while I am waiting for perfection, I am letting a potentially good thought pass, and that's not cool.(is that a long sentence, OR WHAT?? My first grade teacher is most definitely rolling over in her grave, God rest her soul!) So anyhoo, blah blah but here's a thought; does alcohol REALLY allow us to say what we really feel/think? Are one's inhibitions truly lowered while inebriated? ( and no, not staggering stupid drunk, but let's say, oh, 3 or 4 beers in?) I say .....yes, and no, that in and of itself is not a bad thing. Just sayin, as I am on my third Bud(nonwussy thank you very much)Light on an empty stomache, so hence, the rambling....okay, I will right my head now from it's tipped sideways state, and turn off the faucet, for the moment.


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