
Will comment on this later, but can you say......'Big Brother'????
~Perez Hilton......WHY???????
~ Barack Obama, yes you are a hypocrite, signing that sweeping tobacco bill while YOU ARE STILL SMOKING???? And sorry, but if you occasionally smoke then you ARE NOT QUIT. PERIOD. I quit nine years ago, and have not had so much as a puff since, but I tell ya, if I did, then I would not still be quit! I could be rightfully called a smoker again, yes, even after 'only' one puff. Sound like I'm too hard on myself, drawing too fine a line in the sand? If that's what you think, fine, but I guard my quit very closely and take it seriously; aside from cranking out three babies, it's the hardest thing I have ever done, and I have garnered respect for it, and I wouldn't risk losing that for anything. I quit for me, I remain quit for me, and if I were to blow it, I would lose respect for myself. So Barack, if you want to be taken seriously, remember, it starts at home. Hypocrite.
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