Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Memories( a first of more than a few)

Though my small town of Whitman is far more built up, and therefore congested than it was when I was a wee one, oh about 30-35 years ago, a drive through the center of it on a lazy summer evening still brings a good feeling, and a flood of even better memories, as well.

Where MaryLou's News now stands was once the home of Cavicchi's, a small grocery, the precursor of todays Lil' Peach and Tedeschi's. It was so much fun to go to Cavicchi's as a kid! Being that it was small, it was easily maneuverable for the smaller in stature, and you didn't feel lost or uncomfortable in there.And if you were really young, and shopping with mom or dad, wandering into the next aisle over wasn't scary, because they were within eye and/or earshot.The floor was wooden , old and creaky, and that added to the welcoming feel of the store. It had the requisite candy selection underneath the front counter, tonics( or for those not from the area, sodas) in the back, a small produce section off to the right of the store, and a few aisles with the dry goods. From what I remember, it did very well. Sure, alot of the stuff was overpriced, as are most items in a convenience store, but in the early to mid '70's, it would have been most unusual for a kid to ask their mom or dad to drive them to the supermarket for whatever it was they needed. You just didn't do that. And besides, it was easier, and cooler, to walk downtown to Cavicchi's, and the feeling of independence gained, however fleeting, was immeasurable! I mean, how else would you be able to sneak in that candy bar, or handful of fireballs, or pack of black licorice if supervised? I wouldn't call it a hangout per se, but like the Tedeschi's that is downtown today, it was a good place for a kid to go and drop some change on the necessaties of life, and maybe meet up with or hang with friends for a while, sort of a stop on the way to another destination, a 'fueling station', if you will.

Sometimes I still miss that creaky old soft feeling floor, and the old black and white, slightly battered old fashioned looking Cavicchi's sign that graced the corner of Washington and Temple; it is still very clear in my mind. Of course, I know that all things cannot last forever; honestly, I don't even remember when it went out of business. I guess that as I got older and eventually moved on, out grew that small corner store, the business itself probably realised it's run, maybe the times outgrew the confines of the store, and the owners moved on as well. But, as it is said today, 'it is all good', for I am grateful for what my minds eye can conjure up, and for the memories that can permeate my senses, and create that flood of goodness that I hope I never take for granted.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I remember a certain big sister sending me to Cavicchi's to buy her cigarettes when I was all of 10 years old, and yes they would sell them to me! I think they were 85 cents and she would give me a dollar and I could keep the change!

10:17 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I remember Cavicchi's very well, of course I have 5 years on you! I used to get my candy there also along with the freeze pops for 5 cents each. My only bad experience was being accused of shoplifting when I was about 10 or 12 yrs old because I had my poncho on (the first time they were in style!) and I was holding my comb in my hand underneath. The cashier demanded to see what it was, I was mortified, all by myself too. I cried most of the way home. Enough of bad memories, how about Frank's that was across from where you live now, what used to be my elementary school? I used to stop there and get penny candy and Bazooka bubble gum a penny apiece. At least we walked to school and burned off some of that sugar! It also might have a connection to my high dental bills today.
Do you remember the lunch counter at Duvals? I remember the time Mom took Kathy and I there for a milk shake, what a treat it was. Kids don't get excited about going out anymore, it's more common place. Ah the good old days. I could go on but I have to go to work and this is your blog not mine!

Thanks for the memories!!


10:48 AM  
Blogger Christine said...

Did I send you to Cavicchi's for cigarettes??? NO!!! ;)
And yes, I remember the lunch counter at Duval's, but I don't remember Hovey's, do you?
And thanks YOU guys for the memories!(albeit somewhat embarrassing!)

4:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How about JJ Newberry's where Supreme is now? I remember the squeeky floor and the bell on the door that jingled when you came in. Mom bought me a tiny little jewelry box one time there. It was white porcelain with pink flowers on it. Then they closed down and it became One Step Ahead, I bought my first pair of Chucks there when I was 12 with paper route money.

4:56 PM  
Blogger Christine said...

I remember One Step Ahead!! I used to buy my Nike's( pronounced Nikes, no e on the end)there. Haven't thought of that place in a long time!!

5:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

JJ Newberry's or the "Five and Dime", that's where Gramma Coonan worked along with the shorter older woman that scared me. I wonder what she did when it closed.
How about Sally's dress shop where we bought mom a sweater for her birthday one year in a size XL or something like that because of her large chest size! She was nice about it and returned it explaining it didn't fit (5' and 100 lbs I can see why)

9:40 PM  

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