Been too long since I have been able to be here, as my computer is still down(!) but Geek Squad is coming next week, and hopefully I will be up and running again. Though I have found more constructive ways to spend my time sans computer, and plan on utilising that time in the same way when the computer is running again, I miss blogging, and will be back to my regular musings and abusings (for better or worse!).
So with a tip o'the head, here is just a smattering of what has been occupying my thoughts these past few weeks.
~ Oh, sorry, my bad; Harry Belafonte's not dead??
~ If a white mayor had proclaimed that he wanted his city to be all vanilla, do you honestly think that the press would have given that mayor a pass, as they have to that nutball Nagen?(sp)
~ What a slap to anyone with sensibility and a soul to compare this Congress to plantation owners. Seems it took a village of idiots to raise Hillary.
~ So Theo is back in the Sox fold; time will tell, for me at least, as to whetHer this is a sage move or not. I just hope that he doesn't decide to whine and run everytime has a bad bout of PMS.
~ Whether there is an R or an I after his name, Christy Mihos gets my vote. Go, Christy, go!!
~ Tom Reilly......HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Oh, and Tommy? Good bit of lip quivering ala Bubba- how pathetic. Why not try being a man once in a while?
So with a tip o'the head, here is just a smattering of what has been occupying my thoughts these past few weeks.
~ Oh, sorry, my bad; Harry Belafonte's not dead??
~ If a white mayor had proclaimed that he wanted his city to be all vanilla, do you honestly think that the press would have given that mayor a pass, as they have to that nutball Nagen?(sp)
~ What a slap to anyone with sensibility and a soul to compare this Congress to plantation owners. Seems it took a village of idiots to raise Hillary.
~ So Theo is back in the Sox fold; time will tell, for me at least, as to whetHer this is a sage move or not. I just hope that he doesn't decide to whine and run everytime has a bad bout of PMS.
~ Whether there is an R or an I after his name, Christy Mihos gets my vote. Go, Christy, go!!
~ Tom Reilly......HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Oh, and Tommy? Good bit of lip quivering ala Bubba- how pathetic. Why not try being a man once in a while?