or some such musing coming on, but can't seem to get out of my own way to get it from head to PAPER- ggrrrrrrrrr, this is so aggravating!! I'm trying...
oh, and by the by..
I haven't smoked like..68, 860 cigarettes since I quit the cancer sticks on June 25, 2000.
Not bad, huh?
Oh, and for the record?
~ Roger Clemens is such a LOSERCRYBABY!!!! You did 'roids, Roger- just admit it, goshdamnit, and stop insulting the intelligence of the fans of the game. and most importantly, the intelligence and integrity of yuor children.You
fuckup.~ Jim Rice was passed over for the Hall
AGAIN???? COME ON!!! And Bert Blyleven was passed over, also??? What is wrong with those who vote??
and some nonrelated asides...
~ever feel like picking a fight, pushing someone's buttons for no apparant reason? And ever feel ashamed for doing so?
~Reese(sp) Hopkins, the new talk show host from 10a.m. -12p.m. on WRKO is fantabulous!! Check him out, you won't be disappointed!