Pet Peeves and Irritations
Yes, the following is petty, and serves no real purpose, if only to relieve my brain of this gunk, so here goes...
~ Suede or leather jackets with fringe; sorry, but to me, it just screams trailer park(trash).
~ That old favorite, people who cannot figure out how to use their directionals while driving. (GRRRRR)
~ The way I interrupt people and insist on finishing their sentences for them.( Yes, I believe that it aggravates me more than you, and I apologise profusely)
~ Platinum or purplish-reddish coloured hair that looks like a California wildfire hazard. Mirrors, ladies!!
~ My insistence on wearing black almost all of the time; this is a habit I wish I could break. I mean, black only HALF of the time would be nice.
~ Why malls do not periodically pump some a/c'd air into the mass of humanity every so often. So many humans= wayyy too hot!
~ Suede or leather jackets with fringe; sorry, but to me, it just screams trailer park(trash).
~ That old favorite, people who cannot figure out how to use their directionals while driving. (GRRRRR)
~ The way I interrupt people and insist on finishing their sentences for them.( Yes, I believe that it aggravates me more than you, and I apologise profusely)
~ Platinum or purplish-reddish coloured hair that looks like a California wildfire hazard. Mirrors, ladies!!
~ My insistence on wearing black almost all of the time; this is a habit I wish I could break. I mean, black only HALF of the time would be nice.
~ Why malls do not periodically pump some a/c'd air into the mass of humanity every so often. So many humans= wayyy too hot!