Words for ME especially to live by
Anyways, I am a worrier( those who know me well are singing a loud chorus of("No shit, Chris, really?? "), and I work on that worrying daily, as it really does serve no good purpose. Anyhoo, here is what I was sent, and if it helps someone else, cool, and if not, whatever. I'm certainly not going to worry about whether it does or not.... =)
The destructive power of worry
Legend has it that 90% of what we worry about never comes to pass. Whether that is statistically precise or not, there's probably some truth to it in your life. How much of our lives do we miss because we're agonizing over what might happen down the road? How often do we fail to act- even if it's the right thing to do- because we fear any number of possible consequences? Fretting over the future doesn't solve any impending problems. It only paralyzes your actions of the present. It stresses you out, makes you mentally and physically tired, and saps all the fun out of what could have been another great day. Next time you start to worry about what might happen, think of this: You can prepare, but you cannot predict. So do what you can, and forget what you cannot.
And an appropo quote:
Worrying does not empty tomorrow of its troubles.... it empties today of its strength.- Aunt Linda, as quoted by Jennifer Cribbs, SparkPeople community