Very Cool Reasons to Forego the Cream in your Coffee...
and stick to your healthy lifestyle( no, NOT diet, but healthy lifestyle) plan instead....
*being able to FINALLY wave BUH-BYE to the 'Women's' section at stores and shop in the more fashionable and less expensive 'Misses's' section instead!
* being able to see a very noticeable, instead of barely there bicep when asked to flex(this happens to me all day long-NOT! - but I do have a bitchin' bicep now)!
* feeling that sense of sweat-soaked exhiliration and satisfaction after completing 3 supersets of your workout at 4:30 a.m. when you really didn't want to move an ass cheek off of the couch- it is a wonderful feeling, TRUST ME!
* being able to catch a glimpse of a distinct outer thigh muscle in the mirror above the lettuce at the local Stoppie's! Shit, so I really DO have muscles under there after all! Guess those 30-35 miles per week that I walk ARE paying off!
* being able to scour the fashion mags for that little black dress for your upcoming 25th reunion with the confidence and assurance that said dress WILL be black and little, NOT circus tent and muu-muu like!
* being able to switch from a MaryLou's large Mocha Kahlua Iced with xtra cream and Sweet/Low ( 2x daily I devoured these-YIKES!!) to a Dunkin's Vanilla Spice black with Sweet/Low, with lo- fat Cremora added afterwards. I don't miss a thing, DO NOT feel deprived, and mean not disrespect to MaryLou's News whatsoever.
* being able to still consume my BudLight's and still lose weight!(yeah, I know, if I gave up the suds, I would virtually disappear, but too bad- I can and will forego alot, but NOT my Bud!)
* getting 'checked out', I don't mind, and no I am NOT a conceited snob... not for nothing, but I admit it feels good to be noticed. At least I'm honest!
* having a TON of confidence, and feeling an immense satisfaction in continually pushing myself farther, not taking the next victory and settling for just that.
* feeling damn good, both mentally and physically, and enjoying the many benefits that come from having the stamina and willpower and strength to adopt a healthy lifestyle plan, and stick to it! Diet-Smiet..diets are temporary, alot of times harmful things in that their end result is fleeting and damaging in the long run. Trust me whan I say, I eat what I want, miss NOTHING, and if I really need to scarf down a few handfuls of Tostitos and salsa, I DO- but I DON'T make a daily habit of it. Therein, for me, lies the key.
*being able to FINALLY wave BUH-BYE to the 'Women's' section at stores and shop in the more fashionable and less expensive 'Misses's' section instead!
* being able to see a very noticeable, instead of barely there bicep when asked to flex(this happens to me all day long-NOT! - but I do have a bitchin' bicep now)!
* feeling that sense of sweat-soaked exhiliration and satisfaction after completing 3 supersets of your workout at 4:30 a.m. when you really didn't want to move an ass cheek off of the couch- it is a wonderful feeling, TRUST ME!
* being able to catch a glimpse of a distinct outer thigh muscle in the mirror above the lettuce at the local Stoppie's! Shit, so I really DO have muscles under there after all! Guess those 30-35 miles per week that I walk ARE paying off!
* being able to scour the fashion mags for that little black dress for your upcoming 25th reunion with the confidence and assurance that said dress WILL be black and little, NOT circus tent and muu-muu like!
* being able to switch from a MaryLou's large Mocha Kahlua Iced with xtra cream and Sweet/Low ( 2x daily I devoured these-YIKES!!) to a Dunkin's Vanilla Spice black with Sweet/Low, with lo- fat Cremora added afterwards. I don't miss a thing, DO NOT feel deprived, and mean not disrespect to MaryLou's News whatsoever.
* being able to still consume my BudLight's and still lose weight!(yeah, I know, if I gave up the suds, I would virtually disappear, but too bad- I can and will forego alot, but NOT my Bud!)
* getting 'checked out', I don't mind, and no I am NOT a conceited snob... not for nothing, but I admit it feels good to be noticed. At least I'm honest!
* having a TON of confidence, and feeling an immense satisfaction in continually pushing myself farther, not taking the next victory and settling for just that.
* feeling damn good, both mentally and physically, and enjoying the many benefits that come from having the stamina and willpower and strength to adopt a healthy lifestyle plan, and stick to it! Diet-Smiet..diets are temporary, alot of times harmful things in that their end result is fleeting and damaging in the long run. Trust me whan I say, I eat what I want, miss NOTHING, and if I really need to scarf down a few handfuls of Tostitos and salsa, I DO- but I DON'T make a daily habit of it. Therein, for me, lies the key.